
Try Before You Buy

Try Before You Buy


AR-Enhanced 'Try Before You Buy' Experience for Immersive Product Visualization".

AR Type : Brand Promotion

Category : Advertisement

Client : PlugXR

Contact Sales


To provide customers the confidence to shop online.


Even though the E-commerce market has grown significantly, the uncertainty of the quality of the material, color, look, etc is always there. Customers are often underconfident while buying something online. The problem was to provide a confident shopping experience.


We implemented the “Try Before You Buy” feature using augmented reality (AR) technology and 3D. This solution allows customers to visualize products in their own space or on themselves before making a purchase.

You can visualize product details, such as material quality, color, and overall appearance, in a realistic context. You can rotate, enlarge, and customize the product to make an informed purchase decision.



The AR-enhanced product visualization captivated the audience and provided a richer, more immersive experience. This innovative approach helped potential customers gain a deeper understanding of the product, leading to a stronger and more engaging impression.